Course curriculum

    1. What can you expect from this course?

    2. Welcome to 12 Days of Calm

    3. Introducing 5 Mindfulness Techniques

    4. Focusing on the breath [1 min]

    5. Body scanning [2 min]

    6. Being present [2 min]

    7. Noticing thoughts and feelings [2 min]

    8. Visualising [3 min]

    1. Meditation - Arriving [4 min]

    2. Journal prompt - What was that like?

    1. Meditation - Noticing [5 min]

    2. Journal prompt - What's on your mind?

    1. Meditation - Beginner's Mind [6 min]

    2. Journal prompt - Describing a nearby object

    1. Meditation - Non-judgement [7 min]

    2. Journal prompt - Reflecting on a past mistake

    1. Meditation - Letting Go [9 min]

    2. Journal prompt - Letting go of regret

About this course

  • 34 lessons

Taught by

Miriam Reason

Reasonful Founder & Mindfulness Teacher

Miriam is a trainee psychotherapist, accredited mindfulness teacher with the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation, and a mental health trainer. Having set up her company, Reasonful, in 2021, she specialises in working with organisations in financial services and insurance to create and sustain a culture of wellbeing for their people. She brings together her combination of academic experience, psychotherapy training and corporate experience in all her work.